In addition to the Bradford Industrial Museum visit, I went around a few other local haunts, snapping pics of any bits of machinery which might be of interest. Above, an early caterpillar-tracked industrial tractor, seen at a garden centre in Yorkshire...
Then a military-issue lamp...
...and horse armour, both seen at the Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds.
Then onto the National Railway Museum in York. The miniature of the Breakdown Crane threw some ideas in about the form a final build could take.
Most interesting though were the early locomotives; the replica of "Rocket" being particularly of interest for a compact design of self-propelled machine, and something that could be used as a starting point.
The cylinders were of particular interest for this project, as a means of solving the propulsion of the final machine, and adding a hint of movement to proceedings.
I also ended up at the NRM outstation of Shildon, County Durham, gathering some further ideas...
So lots of food for thought there. It was time to get sketching and building some concept models...
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